Strategic Plan-A Closer Look


By Pierre Filion

Many changes are occurring at Lacrosse Canada and, at first glance, one could have the impression that the Association is progressing and that the game will be growing.

The Association is moving from a ‘’working board of directors’’ to a ‘’governance board’’; the Association has finally abided by Sport Canada’s requirements ‘’suggesting’’ that financial statements and minutes of meetings be posted on the Association’s website; the Association will, very soon, have 10 full time staff members dedicated to different chores and mandates; the number of Board members has decreased from 12 to 9; the membership fees paid by the members has increased substantially to the point where the Association could claim self-sufficiency… Lacrosse will be part of the 2025 Canada Games and 2028 Olympic Games…These are significant changes, or events, that could (or should) create some sort of revival and enthusiasm within the Canadian lacrosse communities.

I have a certain sense of optimism but somehow have reservations when I look at Lacrosse Canada’s 2025-2028 strategic plan. Because Lacrosse Canada now has a strategic plan which was discreetly posted on the Association’s website. No public announcement; no big splash just a post somewhere on the website. As if it was a meaningless document that did not deserve public knowledge or appreciation. Go to the website and try to find it if you have time. It’s worth reading as surely a great effort was invested in drafting it.

Now why the reservations.


First because you and I have seen in our years within the game that many strategic plans, once drafted are simply placed in a bottom drawer and left there to rot. I have seen that at Lacrosse Canada’s level and within numerous associations that I have been in contact with. So many executive directors or even presidents seem to say: ‘’We have a plan, we have a plan, so now we can just put it away and carry on as we did before’’. So often the strategic plan is seldom referred to and somehow ignored as some sort of a nuisance. At best it appears in the last pages of an annual report to remind the paying members that indeed ‘’we’’ have a plan. Repeat, we have a plan…By the way so do the Buffalo Sabres!


Second because of the lack of measurable goals. Now, if ever you have not managed to locate the strategic plan on the Association’s website here are the ‘’pillars’’ upon which the 2025-28 plan rests:

  • Governance and leadership; (prioritize conventional governance strategies and ensure relevant transparency)
  • Brand image and awareness; (strengthen the image of the Association and increase awareness)
  • Domestic programs and development; (develop world class initiatives and assist members with developmental programs)
  • High performance and competition (establish and maintain High Performance National Team programs supporting athletes in their pursuit of excellence).

Now pillars are not goals nor objectives. That is obvious.

But the pillars are a good indication of the direction which Lacrosse Canada will embrace; but they carry no measurable goals which will create a significant confusion when time will come to assess (or estimate) the achievement of goals and objectives. How the Association will endeavor to determine if it has been successful or not will be a real challenge. You surely remember the days when the Montréal Canadiens had one single goal: win the Stanley Cup. That was a measurable goal; everything else was a failure.

Lacrosse Canada had the opportunity to determine measurable goals within its strategic plan. It chose not to do so and will report on the tasks and hundred chores accomplished but not on its goals. Success will be measured by the ‘’number of things we have done’’ not by the goals we have aimed at.

Third because the 2025-26 budget does not translate the directions Lacrosse Canada is moving towards. You can see a copy of the 2025-26 budget (July to June) on the website if you can locate it. Obviously!

Here is where the revenues will be coming from:

  • Membership fees and members’ contributions:  49.6%
  • Sport Canada and CAC: 45.4%
  • Sales and sponsorships: 4.9%
  • National Teams: 2%

Here is where Lacrosse Canada will spend its money:

  • National Teams:  44.4%
  • Administration and staff: 40.7%
  • National championships: 11%
  • Democratic life and meetings: 2.6%
  • Project expenses and grants: 1.1%

Go back and look at the ‘’pillars’’ upon which the plan rests and tell me if you see anything that looks differently from a National Association concerned with its staff and National Teams: 85.1% of the expenses in the coming year will be spent on the staff and the National Teams. Good luck with domestic development! Some of you might remember the days when the CLA had two priorities: the Mann cup and the Minto Cup. Now its…the staff and the National Teams!

Sure, sure, the budget might change before July 2025 and some accommodations might appear but at this time a good look at the budget will only increase our fears that we just might note give Lacrosse Canada the benefit of the doubt and a clear blessing when it comes to its ability to manage the future of the game.

Have we been given a strategic plan or just a hefty word salad?